Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stories Around the Campfire

I don't know about you, but I can't wait until winter is over! (If there was even a winter here in California) It was more like perpetual fall minus the rain. I'm not complaining though because I absolutely don't like the cold :)

One of the things I regret not doing last summer was going camping! So that is a must-do for this coming summer! It's such a shame because I live relatively close to Yosemite National Park so I really have to take advantage of that.

I was real excited to get home last night and start painting. My painting was inspired by a picture of a campfire scene I saw online a few days ago and I couldn't wait to get started. This is the first time I was basing a painting on a picture so I was kind of nervous since I had to use my best judgement.

My canvas wasn't too long so I couldn't really capture the whole starry night scene like in the photograph, but I'm still very happy with the outcome :) I had a hard time with the night time sky took me awhile to get that tinge of blue and lightness. I feel like I'm learning more and more each time though! I used techniques from the tree branch tutorial and techniques that I've read online and in books. Which reminds me! I ordered 4 books on acrylic painting on Amazon yesterday, so excited! I'll write and review them in future posts :) I hope they really help me in this painting adventure.

Anyways, here's my 6th painting entitled Stories Around the Campfire :)