Friday, March 2, 2012

Just a little more until spring time

I love spring! I love the blooming flowers, the clear air, the comfortable temperature! I do have allergies though :( so that's a bummer, but I won't let that get in the way of enjoying the most beautiful season :)

We had a sneak peek of spring last week in California when the temperatures reached to a cool and sunny high 70s. I actually made it to the beach and it felt wonderful!

I made this painting last week or so to celebrate the one step closer to capris and bright colors ;] It was quite a tedious job to paint each flower. I started with a pink base, then added white on top, then a darker pink for the filaments then yellow for the anthers (sorry had to biological there :) haha) A couple of the larger flowers have more detailing than others because it's hard to get really small with the brushes I have. Since the canvas board is pretty small already... I'm thinking of starting to use larger canvases so that I can get into more detailing :) I think I'm ready!

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